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Kenya: A major step forward in promoting humanitarian law

11-10-2001 News Release 01/40

The Attorney-General of Kenya, the Hon. S. Amos Wako, officially inaugurated Kenya's National Committee on the Implementation of International Humanitarian Law on 5 October. In his address at a Nairobi hotel, the Attorney-General urged the new committee to provide the government with practical advice on implementing and promoting humanitarian treaties. ICRC President Jakob Kellenberger, also speaking at the ceremony, called for a broad alliance of individuals and institutions committed to the values and principles inherent in humanitarian law. The ICRC was instrumental in setting up the National Committee, which brings together key ministries, experts, civil society representatives and the Kenya Red Cross Society.

The ceremony also marked the official launch in Kenya of a handbook on international humanitarian law for parliamentarians produced jointly by the ICRC and the Inter-Parliamentary Union. The book, entitled " Respect for International Humanitarian Law " , is intended to supplement the work of the National Committee by familiarizing parliamentarians with international humanitarian law and ways of implementing it at the national level. One of the co-authors, Kenyan MP Beth Mugo, explained that the handbook had been developed in response to the low level of information generally available in parliaments on matters relating to humanitarian law.

Supporting States in their efforts to promote international humanitarian law is an important part of the ICRC's mandate. In Kenya, the ICRC has been working with various institutions to organize regular events on this body of law for officers of the armed and security forces, civil servants training at the Kenya Institute of Ad ministration, and university students.