Choose the best option:
</br><img src="images/1_checkpoint.gif"></br>
You are on your way to the besieged city of Urdiol. The government has authorised you to enter and deliver food.
At the checkpoint, the guards say their families are suffering too. They want a cut in the aid. Do you:
[[- refuse, explaining you have to prioritise those inside the besieged city ->refuse]]
[[- agree and try to limit the amount you give them ->agree]]
[[- offer to assess their needs once you've completed the distribution in the besieged city ->offer]]
Disclaimer: Please note this is a work of fiction.
</br><img src="images/3c_try_again.gif"></br>
One week later, the government gives fresh assurances of safe passage.
You set off again. By this time, the needs have increased and you add an extra truckload of food to the convoy.
[[Click here to get to the checkpoint->Check point2]]
</br><img src="images/2b_refuse.gif"></br>
Your convoy is blocked and you return to your field office.
Do you try to:
[[- get fresh assurances of safe passage without any restrictions ->Try again]]
[[- investigate whether there is another way into the besieged city ->another way]]
</br><img src="images/2a_agree.gif"></br>
You are pressured into giving the guards four boxes. This amounts to 5% of your entire food delivery. You feel uneasy with the situation.
[[5 months later....->5 months later]]
</br><img src="images/2c_water.gif"></br>
The guards agree.
When you do assess their needs, you don't see a shortage of food but there is a problem with the water system. Your engineering colleagues come to repair it.
[[But first the guards keep to their promise and let you enter the besieged city ->Pass checkpoint]]</br><img src="images/3b_another_way.jpg"></br>
There is only one way into the besieged city.
[[Do you want to try again at the same checkpoint? ->Try again]]</br><img src="images/4a_checkpoint2.gif"></br>
At the checkpoint, the guards again demand a cut in the aid despite the assurances given by their superiors. Do you:
[[- refuse again ->end1]]
[[- agree and try to limit the amount you give them ->agree]]
[[- offer to assess their needs once you've completed the distribution in the besieged city ->offer]]</br><img src="images/4b_pass.gif"></br>
Just as you start your engines to pass the checkpoint, your colleagues radio you to warn fresh shelling on the besieged city is imminent.
The guards at the checkpoint say this is not true. Do you:
[[- accept the guards' reassurances and enter the besieged city ->end2]]
[[- decide the risk is too high and return to your field office ->Try again]]
[[- request the guards contact their commander for confirmation of safe passage ->confirmation]]</br><img src="images/6a_compromise.gif"></br>
You hear the guard's superior radio confirmation that no shelling is planned for today and enter the besieged city.
Upon arrival at the town hall, the self-appointed governor of the besieged city claims he must administer the aid delivery himself. You fear he will favour his supporters and disadvantage those loyal to the government. Do you:
[[- let him administer the aid ->disappear]]
[[- offer to distribute together ->compromise]]
</br><img src="images/6b_disappear.jpg"></br>
You note six boxes of food have 'disappeared' but you are relieved that most of the food got through to those in need.
[[5 months later....->Wounded inside]]<img src="images/3a_5months_later.jpg">
The rebel-supported media report that your organisation is corrupt and regularly pays bribes to local guards. The distrust grows and your warehouse inside the besieged city is vandalised when you're not there.
But this hasn't happened yet. You prepare to pass the [[checkpoint ->Pass checkpoint]]</br><img src="images/7b_woundedincity.gif"></br>
The government-supported media report that your organisation is corrupt and regularly pays bribes to local guards. The distrust grows and donors question your neutrality and threaten to reduce funding for your operations.
But this hasn't happened yet.
Inside the besieged city, you see people desperately need medical care. Do you:
[[- put the wounded in the now empty food trucks and hope the guards will let you pass to take them for medical treatment in the city ->medical checkpoint]]
[[- tell them you will return as soon as possible. You need to get safe passage assurances from the government for a medical evacuation ->wounded behind]]</br><img src="images/8b_wounded_at_checkpoint.gif"></br>
The guards refuse to let you pass with the wounded. They say they will care for them
Do you:
[[request to speak to his commander ->commander refuses]]
[[accept this but fear for their safety ->end3]]
[[give them basic first aid and promise to request a medical evacuation as soon as you are back at the field office ->wounded behind]]</br><img src="images/8a_woundedbehind.gif"></br>
You feel awful leaving the wounded behind. Back at the field office, your boss talks to her contacts in the government and requests the green light for a medical evacuation the following day.
[[She is successful, you return with five ambulances the next day ->end4]]</br><img src="images/9b_commander_refuses.gif"></br>
The commander refuses to let you pass with the wounded.
[[He does agree however to talk to his superior to green light a medical evacuation the following day ->feel awful]]</br><img src="images/11_end4_best.gif"></br>
The five ambulances pass the checkpoint without a problem. You manage to take all the wounded to hospital for treatment.
You feel elated for an evening. You managed to get aid in and the wounded out and treated. Well done. You took the best decisions you could.
This interactive-narrative aims to show how frontline negotiators face horrific dilemmas and have to strike a brutal balance between impact and principles.
[[- Do you want to try again? ->Checkpoint]]
Disclaimer: Please note this is a work of fiction.</br><img src="images/9a_feel_awful.gif"></br>
You feel awful leaving the wounded behind.
[[Back at your field office, your boss tells you a medical evacuation has been agreed the following day.->end4]]</br><img src="images/6a_compromise-2.gif"></br>
The governor agrees. During the distribution, you note three boxes of food have 'disappeared' but you're relieved that most of the food got through to those in need.
While there, you see many civilians wounded and in desperate need of medical attention. Do you:
[[- put the wounded in the now empty food trucks and hope the guards will let you pass and take them for medical treatment in the city ->medical checkpoint]]
[[- tell them you will return as soon as possible. You need to get safe passage assurances from the government for a medical evacuation ->wounded behind]]</br><img src="images/10_end3_devastated.gif"></br>
You are devastated to hear the news that all the wounded were executed within an hour of you leaving the checkpoint.
You managed to get aid in but the wounded died.
This interactive-narrative aims to show how frontline negotiators face horrific dilemmas and have to strike a brutal balance between impact and principles.
[[- Do you want to try again? ->Checkpoint]]
Disclaimer: Please note this is a work of fiction.</br><img src="images/5a_end1.gif"></br>
Your convoy is blocked again and you return to your field office.
While maintaining your principles, you are having zero impact.
Being a frontline negotiator is tough. This interactive-narrative aims to show how frontline negotiators face horrific dilemmas and have to strike a brutal balance between impact and principles.
[[- Do you want to try again? ->Checkpoint]]
Disclaimer: Please note this is a work of fiction.</br><img src="images/7a_end2.gif"></br>
One colleague is killed in the shelling and three others are injured.
You abort the mission immediately and return to the field office.
Your operations are suspended.
While your intentions were good, your impact is zero. No aid has got through to those in need.
Frontline negotiators face horrific dilemmas and have to strike a brutal balance between making an impact, reaching those in need, keeping their own team safe and staing true to their principles.
[[- Do you want to try again? ->Checkpoint]]
Disclaimer: Please note this is a work of fiction.