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A regular donation enables us to rapidly swing into action in crisis situations and deliver aid where it is needed most. Thank you!

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Your first monthly donation will be made today, and then on or just after the 25th of subsequent months. Your gift will not be made more than once a month.

A gift of hope through the Circle of Young Humanitarians (CYH)

Founded by three young students & young professionals in Zurich, the Circle of Young Humanitarians (CYH) is committed to support the work of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) by bridging the ICRC to the next generation.

The ICRC is a unique sign of hope for those whose lives have been shattered by war. With its mandate to help and protect people affected by armed conflict and other situations of violence, the ICRC serves the people most in need of protection and assistance. Impartiality, neutrality and independence, as well as its acceptance by all parties to conflict, give ICRC staff access to conflict areas where no other humanitarian organizations have access.

Due to increasing humanitarian needs linked to conflict and violence across the world, the demands of the ICRC's work are, however, constantly growing. The climate change crisis and new challenges such as a global pandemic are further exacerbating this trend. In order to carry out its operational activities in more than 100 countries around the world, the ICRC relies on donations – no matter how large they might be.


can provide access to water for someone in Ethiopia

30 CHF

can provide 2 families in Libya with a hygiene kit

50 CHF

can provide food for a month to 2 families in Myanmar

90 CHF

could finance 10 school kits for children in Syria

180 CHF

donate the material for one war surgery and can therefore save a life

Your donation goes where it is needed most.
93% of your donation will go to fund our operations for people in need.


South of Gaza. Marah and Hadeel lost their father and younger brother during the recent conflict in Gaza. They currently live in a caravan that lacks even the minimal living needs.
Photographer : AYYOUB, Louay