Médaille Florence Nightingale : des infirmières, infirmiers et auxiliaires de santé exceptionnels – lauréats 2015

Cette année, la Médaille Florence Nightingale a été décernée à 36 infirmières, infirmiers et auxiliaires de santé originaires de 18 pays en reconnaissance de leur travail remarquable. Cette distinction récompense le courage et le dévouement exceptionnels de ceux qui portent secours aux victimes d'un conflit armé ou d'une catastrophe naturelle. Elle peut aussi être décernée en reconnaissance de services exemplaires ou d'un esprit pionnier dans les domaines de la santé publique ou de la formation aux soins infirmiers.
La candidature des lauréats a été présentée par leurs Sociétés nationales respectives et le choix a été fait par une commission composée du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge, de la Fédération internationale des Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge et du Conseil international des infirmières.
1. Ms Elizabeth Bowell. Registered nurse. Emergency Health Delegate for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Active in disaster situations.
2. Ms Nola Henry. Registered nurse. Australian Red Cross health delegate. Active in conflict and disaster situations.
3. Ms Amanda McClelland. Registered nurse. Global Emergency Health Advisor for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Active in disaster situations.
4. Ms Kerry Page. Registered nurse. Health Coordinator for the International Committee of the Red Cross. Active in conflict situations.
5. Ms Monika Wild. Registered nurse. Head of Health and Social Services of the Austrian Red Cross. Active in the areas of public health and nursing education.
6. Miss Dawn Anderson. Registered nurse. Emergency Room Trauma Course instructor. Active in conflict situations and in the areas of public health and nursing education.
7. Ms Du Liqun, Head Nurse, Department of HIV/AIDS of the Fourth People's Hospital of Nanning. Active in the areas of public health and nursing education.
8. Ms Song Jing. Director of Nursing Department of the People's Hospital of Zhecheng County, Henan Province. Active in the areas of public health and nursing education.
9. Ms Wang Xinhua, Nursing Supervisor, 302 Military Hospital of China. Active in disaster situations and in the area of public health.
10. Ms Xing Caixia. Deputy Director of the Nursing Department of Inner Mongolia People's Hospital. Active in disaster situations and in the areas of public health and nursing education.
11. Ms Zhao Qinghua. Vice Director of Nursing Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University. Active in the areas of public health and nursing education.
CORÉE (République de) - KOREA (the Republic of) – COREA (República de)
12. Professor Yong Soon Kim. Registered nurse. Professor Emeritus, Ajou University. Active in the areas of public health and nursing education.
13. Ms Okran Lee. Registered nurse. Director of Nursing at Bugok National Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare. Active in the area of public health.
14. Sr Sergio Madrigal Arroyo. Doctor en Enfermeria. Activo en situaciones de catástrofe y en el ámbito de salud pública.
15. Ms Kirsten Plenge Abdalla. Registered nurse. Quality Coordinator of Ballerup Psychiatric Center. Active in disaster situations and in the areas of public health and nursing education.
16. Ms Rikke Gormsen. Registered nurse. Development Consultant in the Health and Care Centre, Høje-Taastrup Municipality. Active in conflict and disaster situations and in the area of public health.
17. Ms Merete Rønnow Poulsen. Registered nurse. Operating Room Nurse, Gentofte Hospital. Active in conflict and disaster situations and in the area of public health.
18. Colonel Laura Favand. Registered nurse. Active in conflict and disaster situations and in the area of nursing education.
19. Dr Carmen Kynard. National Chairperson of Nursing, American Red Cross. Active in disaster situations and in the areas of public health and nursing education.
20. Ms Diane St. Denis. Registered nurse. American Red Cross Disaster Health Services Advisor, Pacific Division. Active in disaster situations and in the area of public health.
21. Mrs Vonnie Thomas. Registered nurse. Active in disaster situations and in the area of public health.
22. Mr Lars Åke Hydén. Registered nurse. Nurse, Intensive Care Unit, Central Hospital of Vaasa. Active in conflict and situations and in the area of public health.
23. Mr Ramin Kohankhaki. Registered nurse. Head of Operations Coordination in Medical Emergencies, Iranian Red Crescent Society. Active in disaster situations and in the areas of public health and nursing education.
24. Ms Kayoko Soman. Registered nurse. Chairperson of Specified Nonprofit Corporation Daycare Service Konoyubi Tomare. Active in the area of public health.
25. Ms Ritsu Yamada. Registered nurse. Board Member of Medical Corporation Hoseikai. Active in the areas of public health and nursing education.
26. Madame Marie-Claude Assaf. Infirmière diplômée. Vice-présidente de l'Association des Infirmières diplômées de la Croix-Rouge libanaise. Active en situation de conflit et dans le domaine de la formation aux soins infirmiers.
27. Mr Sa Naing Naing Tun. Registered nurse. Active in disaster situations and in the area of public health.
28. Mr Graham Zinsli. Registered nurse. Health delegate for the International Committee of the Red Cross. Active in disaster and conflict situations and in the areas of public health and nursing education.
29. Mr Mohammad Janisa Manalao. Registered nurse. Project Officer, Haiyan Operations, Tacloban City. Active in disaster situations.
30. Ms Gwendolyn Pang. Registered nurse. Secretary General of the Philippine Red Cross. Active in disaster and conflict situations.
31. Miss Venus Patay. Registered nurse. Community Health Nurse, Iligan City Health Office. Active in disaster situations.
32. Mrs Josephine Makieu. Registered nurse. Head nurse in Ebola Treatment Centre of Kenema. Active in disaster situations.
33. Mr Morison Musa. Posthumous award. Registered nurse. Worked in Ebola treatment center.
34. Ms Hawa Said Musse. Registered nurse. Senior Health and Nutrition Health Field Officer for the International Committee of the Red Cross, Somalia Delegation. Active in conflict and disaster situations.
35. Ms Kanjanee Opastipagom. Director of nursing, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital. Active in disaster situations and in the areas of public health and nursing education.
36. Mrs Sirilak Wittayanakorn. Director of nursing, Queen Savang Vadhana Memorial Hospital. Active in disaster situations and in the areas of public health and nursing education..