
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has been working in Honduras since 2012 to help vulnerable people affected by armed violence, carrying out activities to prevent and mitigate the humanitarian consequences that impact their lives.

Un delegado del CICR dialoga con un lugareño en Honduras.

Our work in Honduras

In Honduras, the ICRC seeks to protect the lives and dignity of people affected by violence and reduce the humanitarian consequences they face day to day.

We support the families of missing people in their search for answers about the whereabouts of their loved ones, ensuring that their rights are recognized and upheld. We endeavour to ensure that migrants and internally displaced people have access to protection mechanisms and humanitarian services. We also visit places of detention and promote the dignified treatment of detainees. 

We promote and spread knowledge of the rules of international law that protect people in armed conflicts and other violence, maintaining a dialogue on humanitarian issues with the authorities and civil society organizations. 

We work with communities that are suffering the effects of violence, such as Chamelecón, to improve their access to essential services and strengthen their resilience.

Our humanitarian action would not be possible without the efforts of the Honduran Red Cross, without our Fundamental Principles – neutrality, impartiality and independence – and without the bilateral confidential dialogue we maintain with different parties.

ICRC offices supporting the region: The ICRC’s humanitarian work in Honduras is supported by our regional delegation for Mexico and Central America.

The impact of our work


migrants received self-care information to reduce the risks they face on migration routes.


people were identified by their fingerprints, thanks to an automated system put into operation with the support of the ICRC.


individual and group psychological sessions were provided for people affected by violence as part of the mental health and psychosocial support programme implemented with the Honduran Red Cross.


health professionals and volunteers from the Honduran Red Cross benefited from the Caring for Carers programme.


displaced people with international protection needs were referred by the Honduran Red Cross to the Assistance Centre for Returning Migrants for specialist medical services.


detainees and prison staff benefited from work carried out to improve prison infrastructure and facilities.


Patients received emergency medical care at the Tegucigalpa Teaching Hospital.

The stories of the people we help

The RedSafe app is a very useful tool for all us migrants because of the information it provides. It’s especially helpful when you cross the border into another country and you have no maps and no idea of what might happen or if it’s night-time and you don’t know where to go to find a shelter, a safe place where you won’t be in danger.

Arliss Migrant

Acting as an ‘accompanier’ means being by the side of someone who needs compassion and understanding during their search. On a personal level, I feel proud to have been trained for this role of accompanying and supporting families so that they can return to a normal life.

Obed Carrasco who is searching for his brother Aarón

I had to leave my home where I had lived for more than ten years with my two little ones. My husband was killed by a gang because he refused to continue paying extortion money. I set out on the migration route but was returned from Mexico. First I was displaced and then I became a migrant; now I am back in Honduras, but I can’t go back to the community I come from.

Keila a woman internally displaced by violence

Our services in Honduras

  • We share information with migrants that can help prevent and mitigate the humanitarian consequences they face on the migration route and enable them to access humanitarian services, such as shelters, soup kitchens and health care. We do this through various channels: WhatsApp (+521 55 80 12 90 55), the digital platform RedSafe, Facebook and our website.



Residencial San Ignacio, 1.ª Calle, 3.ª Avenida, Casa 3217,
Tegucigalpa, Honduras, C.A.

Heures d’ouverture :

9am - 6pm

Contact médias


Langues parlées

Spanish, English

Our work with the Honduran Red Cross

We work with the Honduran Red Cross to deliver humanitarian assistance to migrants, internally displaced people, the families of missing people and communities affected by violence.