
Analyse de la marche avec prothèse à destination des physiothérapeutes

This manual presents essential aspects related to the management of people with amputation. It is addressed mainly to physiotherapists often responsible for the daily management of patients with amputation. It is also a reference for prosthesists/orthotists and other health care professionals working in rehabilitation centers or private practice and hospital staff who might encounter patients following post surgical rehabilitation. It is worthwhile to note that amputee rehabilitation is a topic which is addressed very briefly in medical/paramedical entry levels.
Based on strong clinical practice and some evidence based references, this document provides detailed practical guidance to ensure standardization and quality of care. Chapters include definitions, presentation of the Polypropylene technology as well as pre and post fitting, gait analysis, deviation as well as some insights into rehabilitation aspects.  To be able to treat people with lower limb amputation efficiently, it is highly recommended to follow a practical training involving persons with lower limb amputation and participants from various professions.