Framework for access to education
The purpose of this document is to outline how and to what extent the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) will engage in operations and policy in education. Our primary objective is to respond, reactively or preventively, to the disruption of the education sector in situations of conflict and violence by enabling safe access for children, teachers and families.
We see education as a learning process that allows children and adults to acquire skills that allow them to develop socially and professionally. Education allows people to develop their resilience, ability to self-protect and to appreciate human values – all of which are life-long essentials. This applies not only to formal education, but also to non-formal education and informal learning.
While this framework takes into account all types of education and learning, our priority lies in working with the formal education sector. That said, how we respond to education needs in armed conflict and violence is context specific. This includes meeting the specific education needs of individuals, be they staff or affected communities, to develop the skills they need to deliver humanitarian services.