Analysis & Evidence Week 2021 – Data, data, data… but then what?


GMT +1
GMT +1

About the event

The Analysis & Evidence Week 2021 - Data, data, data... but then what? provides a unique forum to engage in the common topics facing evidence-based decision-making in humanitarian action.

The event aims at bringing together humanitarian actors, the private sector, academia and beyond to discuss opportunities and challenges of data policies, methodologies and usage, while ensuring the analytical work is actionable and practices remain people-centred.



More than 2,000 people showed interest and participated to the event. Among them there were representatives of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, UN agencies, NGOs, private sector, donor community and academia. On average 65 people attended each session with a peak of nearly 250 attendees at the Opening Ceremony.

If you were not able to attend some sessions, or you would like to listen in once more to the great initiatives and discussions broadcasted last week, you can find below the recordings to the 60+ sessions held during the event. The videos will be available online for 30 days, and can be downloaded for future reference.

Should you wish to have further information on the event and/or follow up on possible collaboration opportunities, do not hesitate to reach out to me and the rest of the A&E Team via email at


29 November 2021


30 November 2021


01 December 2021


02 December 2021

 03 December 2021


Date and time
- GMT +1
- GMT +1
Venue address
