
The ICRC delegation in Uganda was established in 1972. 

An old man shares his story with an ICRC team.

Our work in Uganda

The ICRC contributes to addressing humanitarian needs by providing protection of family links services to people who have fled violence in neighbouring countries. We also carry out detention work in the country and support the promotion of international humanitarian law (IHL) for troops deployed in operations outside the country.

Other regions we support: The ICRC office in Uganda operates under the ICRC regional delegation covering Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi.

Contact us


Plot 8, John Babiiha Avenue, Kololo
P.O. Box 4442

Opening Hours:

8am - 5pm

Our work with the Uganda Red Cross Society

The ICRC works with the National Society providing services for the protection of family links. We also support the dissemination of the Red Cross principles and capacity-building for branch managers and volunteers and work closely with the National Society in the area of operational communication