Red Cross Field Hospital in Rafah, Gaza Strip: Facts & Figures September 2024

The health-care system in Gaza has collapsed. One of the only reminders of a system is the referrals mechanism between the remaining primary health-care facilities, medical points, field hospitals, and partially functioning hospitals. The Red Cross Field Hospital remains operational in the western side of Rafah, southern Gaza.
This report covers the period from May 9 to August 10, 2024.
General situation
Over the last month, the evacuation orders issued by the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) have significantly contributed to the growing displacement of people in Gaza, adding a layer of pressure to the remaining medical facilities. The field hospital coordinates with Nasser Medical Complex in Khan Younis to mutually prepare for emergencies.
Of the over 6,000 people treated between mid-July to early August, female patients make up 52% of all patients; and children (patients under 15 years of age) make up 36%. The outpatient department is seeing an increase in the average number of patients per day – from 200 to 300 patients.
Medical response
The cumulative (from 9 May) 686 surgeries can be broken down to the following main interventions: removal of dead or infected tissue (approx. 40%), general surgical interventions (approx. 30%), and others (30%).
Shortage of consumables and equipment continue to force the medical teams to conserve available resources (e.g., sterile gauzes) or resort to in-house production (e.g., crutches and walkers for physical rehabilitation sessions).