Unfortunately, we cannot accept donations in kind, be they medicines or any other items.
Assistance programmes are highly complex operations. All products must meet very precise quality standards and be suitable for the location and environment where they'll be used. Moreover, it would require substantial resources to sort, store and transport items received in kind.
We suggest you contact your country's National Red Cross or Red Crescent Society instead. They often have a system for collecting donated items and distributing them locally.
If you entered a valid email address, you will receive a message confirming your donation.
If you don't receive an email within about 15 minutes, please contact us to request a confirmation of your donation.
The Swiss postal service allows many non-profit organizations to distribute non-commercial post, even to mailboxes with the "No advertising" sticker. This is the case for the ICRC.
Mailings are an important way for us to raise awareness of our work. We usually receive a positive response from recipients.
But if you've made a donation to the ICRC and would prefer not to receive post from us, that is not a problem. Please contact our supporter care team and they'll take care of it.
The ICRC does not take on volunteers, but we encourage you to contact your country's National Society for opportunities to volunteer for them. You may also be interested in volunteering for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
Please visit our jobs page for information about current vacancies.