Niger: Facts and figures (October 2012 to March 2013)

17-06-2013 Facts and Figures

The ICRC operated against the background of a mass influx of Malian refugees in the Tahoua area and the return to the Agadez area of migrants from sub-Saharan Africa who have been deported from Libya.

Support for migrants from sub-Saharan Africa deported from Libya (with the Red Cross Society of Niger)


  • provided food and lodging for over 3,700 migrants in a centre run by the Red Cross Society of Niger;
  • ensured that 460 migrants who were ill had access to health care;
  • opened a "restoring family links" office in Dirkou, so that migrants could contact their families;
  • restored contact between over 1,500 migrants and their families;
  • organized transport for 795 migrants from Dirkou to their home regions.

Support for Malian refugees in the Tahoua region, (with the Red Cross Society of Niger)

The ICRC visited locations where refugees were staying, and helped them re-establish contact with their families by registering tracing requests, passing on Red Cross messages and enabling them to make phone calls.

Protecting detainees and improving their conditions of detention


  • visited Arlit Prison to assess conditions of detention;
  • built a kitchen in Bilma Prison and financed electrical work at Agadez Prison.

Distributing food and other essential goods in the Tahoua area (with the Red Cross Society of Niger)


  • distributed essential supplies such as blankets, plastic sheeting, mosquito nets, kitchen kits and hygiene kits to Malian refugees and to people from Niger who had just returned home;
  • distributed food and essential supplies to 120 Malian refugee families.

Ensuring access to water (with the Red Cross Society of Niger)


  • installed three hand-pumps, providing water for 1,000 people in Aderbissanet;
  • dug 51 wells to provide water for livestock and irrigation, benefiting 1,700 farmers in Tchirozérine and Timia;
  • dug and repaired wells in Iférouane and Gougaram, benefit 1,100 livestock owners.

Providing health care (with the Red Cross Society of Niger)


  • helped Tchirozérine health district to run vaccination programmes at six health centres, for 6,400 children under 7 and 200 women;
  • renovated the care and maternity units at Tchintaborak Health Centre in Aderbissanet, benefiting 10,000 people.

Supporting livestock breeders (with the Red Cross Society of Niger)


  • worked with the Agadez regional livestock authority to vaccinate 1.3 million head of livestock and treat them against parasites;
  • distributed seed to 330 farmers, enabling them to grow more feed for their livestock.

Supporting market gardeners (with the Red Cross Society of Niger)


  • distributed farming implements to over 700 farmers;
  • trained over 130 farmers in agricultural techniques and in how to conserve, process and sell their produce.

Cash for work projects (with the Red Cross Society of Niger)

The ICRC financed the cutting of 65 fire-breaks in the villages that make up the commune of Tchirozérine. This work, which was carried out in conjunction with the environmental service of the département, will boost the incomes of 400 families and protect 24,000 hectares of pasture against bush fires.

Partnership with the Red Cross Society of Niger


  • financed the renovation of the Society's offices in Bilma, providing better working conditions for over 400 volunteers;
  • supported first-aid training for 30 volunteers from Aderbissanet, In’gall and Iférouane.

Promoting the basic principles of international humanitarian law


  • organized briefings for 74 students from Agadez NCO training school, 65 NCOs from the army's Dirkou Company and 50 members of the Bilma detachment of the Republican Guard;
  • held briefings (in conjunction with the Red Cross Society of Niger) for teachers from six primary schools in the commune of Agadez.