The ante-mortem / post-mortem database

30-09-2012 Report

An information management application for missing persons / forensic data.

In war, following disasters, or as a result of migration or situations of internal violence, people may go missing and the identity of human remains may be unknown. The management of information plays a crucial role in bringing these two complementary lines of investigation together in order to identify remains and resolve missing persons cases. Standardization, centralization and easy exchange of large quantities of data among numerous actors are key to an effective data management strategy, and electronic tools can greatly contribute to a thorough and efficient data management and analysis process.

The ICRC was tasked with constructing a forensic information management tool (database) for use by other actors to effectively compile, manage, centralize and process files on missing persons and unidentified remains. Development of the Ante-Mortem/Post-Mortem (AMPM) Database by the ICRC began in 2005, in consultation with numerous organizations and experts worldwide. The AMPM Database was made available for use in 2008.

Objective of the database

The AMPM Database is an electronic tool for the management of information on missing person and human remains. It manages information about missing persons and the events related to their disappearances, as well as recovered bodies (or body parts) and the sites where they were found. The AMPM Database is highly configurable for use in a large variety of contexts. It is delivered in English but is fully translatable. The AMPM Database can be used in single- or multi-user, server-based environments.