African Union : IPSS and ICRC sign a Memorandum of Understanding to enhance partnership

The ICRC signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) on 17 December 2019, at the IPSS Headquarters in Addis Ababa. The agreement was signed by Dr. Yonas Adaye Adeto, Director of IPSS and Mr Bruce Mokaya Orina, Head of the ICRC delegation to the African Union.
The Memorandum is expected to strengthen the collaboration between the two institutions in several areas related to peace and security and humanitarian issues in Africa, including, but not limited to, Women peace and Security, Youth Peace and Security, protection of civilians during conflict and policies and legal frameworks around peacekeeping.
"We believe that the collaboration with the IPSS will be beneficial for both parties as the IPSS's expertise in policy dialogue and research will benefit us while the ICRC's presence in most African countries and engagement in operational activities covering the whole continent, would enrich IPSS's policy dialogue and academic research endeavors. "said Mr. Bruce Mokaya.
The two parties agreed to cooperate on policy dialogue particularly through the joint organization of events on thematic issues of common interest, research by joining the IPSS's academic knowledge with the ICRC's wide operations on the ground and presence in most contexts affected by conflict in Africa. The two institutions will also collaborate on the academic field through their respective expertise on various thematic issues related to peace and security and humanitarian action in Africa.
The ICRC also lauds the IPSS for creating the Tana High-Level Forum on Security in Africa. The ICRC is grateful to have had the opportunity to attend, in the past years, this annual high-level gathering of heads of state, policymakers, academia, and the private sector frankly and informally discuss and find solutions to Africa's challenges in peace and security.
The IPSS is a leading think-tank in Ethiopia and in the continent with substantial influence and stake on Ethiopia's foreign policy thinking and the AU's APSA. Its Africa Peace and Security Programme (APSP), a joint initiative with the African Union aims to find African-led solutions to peace and security in Africa, for the AU and REC/RMs, through training, research and advocacy around African peace and security issues. IPSS also serves as the secretariat of the Tana High-Level Forum on Security in Africa.
The ICRC strives to tackle various humanitarian issues concerning Africa. Our work is aimed to provide protection and assistance to victims of armed conflict or other situations of violence, including children women, detainees, internally displaced people, refugees and migrants.