Support project for emergency department of Pyongyang Medical College Hospital

The project brief elaborates on the short- and long-term support that the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Red Cross Society (DPRK RCS) provides to the Emergency Department at Pyongyang Medical College Hospital (PMCH) of Kim IL Sung University, with the aim to strengthen and sustain the hospital's capacity in delivering emergency services.
The Pyongyang Medical College Hospital is one of the three first-level central hospitals in Pyongyang. It has a capacity of 1,200 beds, serving about one million population. With 33 medical departments and 1,200 employees, the hospital provides services to 700,000 patients per year, of whom 2.4% are in-patients admissions. The national healthcare system in the DPRK offers comprehensive free medical service to all citizens.
The PMCH has the easiest access via transport hubs and is a major teaching hospital. Therefore, it receives severe and complex medical cases.
Project Scope
The project, which started in January 2019, intends to improve the emergency healthcare to all the patients attending the Emergency Department (ED), by creating a functional ED prototype with skillful staff and with reference to international benchmarks. All patients with serious or life-threatening needs should be treated with the right expertise, processes and resources to maximize the prospects of survival, recovery and functionality.
The long-term vision is to provide a model which the MoPH can replicate in other similar set-ups in the country. This project, with a multi-year timeframe, will ensure the desired changes in the emergency department, and helps develop a culture to implement an emergency model of care up to international standards.
For more information, please check the PDF file: