ICRC and RRU conduct online Certificate Course on Maritime Security Operations

From 12 -16 Jul 2021, ICRC Regional delegation in New Delhi conducted an online certificate course on Maritime Security Operations and Contemporary challenges in collaboration with the Rashtriya Raksha University, Gujarat. Eighty-seven individuals across the Academic and Defence diaspora, including overseas nationals, participated in the Certificate Course. Jan Miskoc, DHoRD, ICRC New Delhi and Prof Dr Bimal N Patel, the Vice-Chancellor of RRU, jointly inaugurated the Course.
The programme gained immense credibility as it was designed jointly by ICRC and a University of National importance, the RRU. The dissemination of the Course was carefully planned by ICRC and RRU facilitators for training a large captive audience online, given the COVID -19 pandemic. It was also ensured that the initiative met all academic parameters for the grant of a certificate recognised internationally. Through presentations and case studies, participants were encouraged to engage in interactive sessions on understanding humanitarian norms during the operational decision-making process in Maritime Law enforcement operations. The respect for the humanitarian principles of using force in Maritime Law Enforcement Operations depends on an efficient situation analysis, which considers operational concerns and humanitarian ones.
"This is the first time a comprehensive, academically-designed Certificate Course on Maritime Security Operations has been made available for both academicians and practitioners worldwide through an online platform", said Major General Sajiv Jetley, Head of the FAS department, ICRC, New Delhi.
The Certificate Course attracted participants from varied backgrounds and qualifications. They included professors of law from various national universities, law students undergoing post-grad, serving defence officers, and overseas participants. Most of them had a good understanding of the law, conflict and the historical background to the development of laws of the sea. The sessions were interactive, generating interesting discussions on International Law and situations at sea. The perspectives of emerging nations, and contemporary challenges faced in the IOR, were also discussed.
Eighty-seven people had registered for the course, and 56 people finally completed the procedure and got the certificates as per the list provided by RRU.