
Indonesia: ICRC visits Ibnu Abbas Pesantren, an Islamic boarding school for girls

On 26 November 2019, the ICRC paid a courtesy visit to Ibnu Abbas Pesantren (Islamic boarding school) for girls, in Klaten, Indonesia. The director of the pesantren, Ustaz Mui'nudinillah Basri, who is a prominent Muslim leader in the wider region of Central Java, is also a 2017 graduate of the ICRC's international humanitarian law (IHL) course held in Tunis.

The ICRC team led by Charles Dorman-O'Gowan, the ICRC Asia Regional Coordinator for Global Affairs, was welcomed by the vice director of the pesantren, Ustaz Ali Ghufron, and the secretary, Ustaz Umarulfaruq Abubakar.

Presenting to the pesantren's students, Mr. Dorman-O'Gowan introduced the ICRC's mandate and activities, and he talked about the fundamentals of IHL, including the protection of civilians during armed conflict. The presentation was followed by several questions posed by the students and a lively discussion ensued.

At the end Mr. Dorman-O'Gowan thanked Ustaz Ali Ghufron as well as his colleagues for the generous hospitality provided to the ICRC and both sides agreed to follow up with further activities in the future.