Kuala Lumpur (ICRC) – A unique photo exhibition depicting over 150 years of humanitarian action will be held at the University of Malaya Art Gallery from 3 to 30 November.
The event, jointly organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the Swiss embassy and the Malaysian Red Crescent Society, aims to highlight major regional humanitarian issues and efforts. "This exhibition will take visitors on a journey to a deeper understanding of the dilemmas of delivering humanitarian assistance and protection in today’s world," said Jeremy England, the head of the ICRC's regional delegation in Kuala Lumpur. "We hope it will inspire people to find out more about what the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement does, and even get involved themselves."
To launch the event, the organizers will host a forum on "Modern Humanitarian Action: Challenges and Constraints" on 3 November, with speakers sharing their views on the issue of providing aid in an increasingly complex global environment.
"War from the Victims' Perspective," a collection of 40 works by Jean Mohr, a Swiss photographer, presented by the Musée de l'Elysée of Lausanne and the Swiss foreign ministry, will feature prominently. The collection retraces the steps of refugees from their initial displacement to their attempts to adapt to an enduring situation. Each photograph lends a face to the victims of war.
The Malaysian Red Crescent will showcase its local, regional and global activities, ranging from blood donation drives and flood and disaster relief efforts to international aid appeals and contributions. Malaysian Red Crescent National Chairman YM Tunku Tan Sri Shahriman bin Tunku Sulaiman said: "I hope that this exhibition will help raise awareness of our Society's extensive efforts and foster a better understanding of humanitarian needs and responses locally and internationally."
For further information, please contact:
Chin Lili, ICRC Kuala Lumpur, tel: +603 2084 1807, or email : lchin@icrc.org