The National Society Investment Alliance
The National Society Investment Alliance is a pooled funding mechanism providing flexible, multi-year financing and support for the development of National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, strengthening their capacity to deliver relevant and effective humanitarian services.
A joint initiative of the IFRC and the ICRC, it prioritises National Societies in very high, high and medium risk humanitarian contexts ensuring services can be delivered wherever communities are vulnerable to armed conflicts, violence, natural disasters and other humanitarian challenges.
During the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit and Grand Bargain, States made a commitment to provide at least 25 per cent of global humanitarian funding to local and national responders. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is an excellent model of complementarity between international and national actors. As international components of this humanitarian network, the ICRC and the IFRC have committed to reinforce their efforts in strengthening National Societies' capacity to more effectively and sustainably deliver on their humanitarian mission. The Investment Alliance has been created for this purpose.
Many National Societies are strong, but others are still a long way from reaching their potential. Further investment is needed to ensure that they continue to develop as sustainable, independent humanitarian organizations, recognized and credible in their communities, and trusted partners for the delivery of effective humanitarian action.
How it works
The ICRC is working with the IFRC on all aspects of the governance and management of NSIA, while the NSIA office is hosted administratively by IFRC.
The Investment Alliance harnesses the Movement's long and wide-ranging experience in organizational development and capacity strengthening. It is anchored in IFRC's National Society Development Framework (2013), which calls for holistic change driven by the National Societies themselves.
The Investment Alliance aims to be simple, streamlined and cost-efficient, and will prioritize humanitarian needs, accountability and transparency.
A Steering Committee has been established, comprising an equal number of senior management representatives from each organization.
A Stakeholder Advisory Group, which includes National Society representatives and external experts, will ensure continuous learning and improvement within the Investment Alliance itself and wider National Society development approaches.
A small secretariat has been set up to manage the Investment Alliance on behalf of the Steering Committee. Dedicated ICRC and IFRC staff support the Steering Committee and the NSIA office.
Click on the link below for more information on the NSIA, to find out about how to support the initiative, or to access the application documents.