Pakistan: Artists win hearts with depictions of humanitarianism

From restoring family links, to ensuring the dignified treatment and management of the dead, it is the universal principles of humanity and voluntary service that drives our work in Pakistan and the world over. However, the ICRC's work is not and cannot be conducted in a vacuum. Communities and individuals the world over share values and principles that the ICRC holds close. Identifying with these values is what creates our community of humanitarian work and service. To bring this community together in the time of social distance and remote interaction, the ICRC organized its annual art competition, Art Beat around the spirit of humanitarianism.
The response to the call for entries has been positively overwhelming, where artists from all around the country shared their interpretations of humanitarianism through their art. The diversity of expression and the different media used in the creation of these stunning images has left us in awe. We saw humanitarianism in both its classical as well as interpretive forms, through the artists' respective perspective on the topic.
Fizza Bangash, Head of Communications for the ICRC in Pakistan, says, "As we reel from a global pandemic, it is more important than ever to celebrate the power of humanity and the wonders we can do when we work together. Art Beat is a part of the ICRC's efforts to underpin our core principle of humanitarianism, and with over 700 entries, we are delighted that this year's theme resonated with so many."
The importance of art to the human spirit cannot be overstated. From archiving human experiences in the Paleolithic Age, to the Hieroglyphs of Ancient Egypt, art remains at the core of human civilization and history. It is from art that most modern scripts have evolved, and through art that we continue to express that which cannot be abstracted into words. As we begin to emerge from the effects of a global pandemic, we hold out hope that art will continue to bring us together in sharing the human experience.