Sri Lanka: The year so far

Sri Lanka suffered from devastating mudslides and floods, in May 2017, due to the heavy south-west monsoon rains. Working hard to help the thousands of displaced people, the ICRC supported the work of its national partner, the Sri Lanka Red Cross Society.
In prison health-care updates, two pilot projects, launched in 2016, to bring about sustainable changes, were successfully implemented in 2017. A laboratory and three new consultation rooms were built in the Mahara prison hospital and two in the Colombo Remand prison, allowing detainees to benefit from health screening and consultation services, just like any regular hospital.
Experts from the University of Moratuwa analyzed processes and developed a computerized system to improve the maintenance and cleaning of the Kalutara prison. Both the ICRC and the Department of Prisons have allocated staff, material and tools to test this system.
Read our newsletter to find out more about what we did from January to June 2017.