Stop attacks: Patients, health workers, hospitals and ambulances are #NotATarget

Every day in conflict zones, doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers and first-aiders are coming under attack while trying to save lives. They are threatened, arrested or beaten, their hospitals looted or bombed. Some are unable to work because medical supplies can't get through. Some are forced to flee for their lives. Some are even killed.
Watch and share our video. Together we say:
Stop attacks. Health-care workers are #NotATarget.
One single attack, targeting a hospital or a doctor, can have devastating and long lasting consequences for hundreds of children, women and men.
Some people believe that attacks against health care are wrong but that little can be done to stop them during a conflict. Others are resigned and "accept" them as inevitable consequence of war, not knowing that they are, in fact, in violation of the rules of war.
Violence against health care is unacceptable, in peace as well as in war times, and can be prevented.
The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and the partners of the Health Care in Danger initiative invite you to stand with doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers, patients and health workers in conflict zones and support our call to put in place measures to stop attacks against health care.