News release

Ukraine: ICRC delegate killed in Donetsk

Kiev/Geneva (ICRC) – The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is deeply distressed by the killing of one of its staff, Laurent DuPasquier, in Donetsk today. The 38-year-old Swiss national, an administrator in the organization’s office in the city, was killed when a shell landed near the premises.

“We are deeply shocked by this tragic loss," said ICRC Director of Operations Dominik Stillhart. “We understand that there were other civilian casualties in Donetsk today. Indiscriminate shelling of residential areas is unacceptable and violates international humanitarian law.”

Mr DuPasquier worked for the ICRC for more than five years, carrying out assignments in Pakistan, Yemen, Haiti, Egypt and Papua New Guinea. He started his posting in Ukraine six weeks ago. 

The ICRC currently has about 20 staff in Donetsk, including five expatriates of various nationalities. All other ICRC staff are now in safety.

The ICRC has been working in Ukraine since the onset of the crisis this year, supporting hospitals, helping displaced and vulnerable people, and restoring contact between family members separated by the conflict.

For further information, please contact:

Alina Murzaeva, ICRC Kiev, tel: +380 675 094 179
Anastasia Isyuk, ICRC Geneva, tel: +41 22 730 30 23 or +41 79 251 93 02
Ewan Watson, ICRC Geneva, tel: +41 79 244 64 70
Victoria Zotikova, ICRC Moscow, tel: +7 495 626 5426 or +7 903 545 3534