Event: Missing Migrants, Missing Solutions?

GMT +1
GMT +1
Happening now

About the event

On 9 March 2022, at 15:30pm CET, (9:30am EST), the International Organization for Migration's Missing Migrants Project and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) will be hosting an online dialogue on preventing and resolving missing migrants cases and addressing the needs of their families through the global compact on migration (GCM).

The dialogue is part of a series of Migration Dialogues organized by the United Nations Network on Migration in the lead up to the International Migration Review Forum at the UN General Assembly in New York in May 2022. The dialogues offer an open and inclusive space where member states and other stakeholders can discuss approaches towards achieving effective, principled migration governance for the benefit of all. 

The "Missing Migrants, Missing Solutions" dialogue, will focus on actions needed to achieve GCM Objective 8 on saving lives and establishing coordinated international efforts on missing migrants in the lead up to the International Migration Review Forum.

Register here to receive the Zoom link to join the event on 9 March.

A Discussion Space on the Dialogue has also been opened in the Migration Network Hub (you will need to log in or register to be able to post) where participants can share views on the following questions ahead of the dialogue:

A space to post comments is also available on the Migration Network Hub (you will need to log in or register first), where participants can share their views on the following questions ahead of the event:

  1.  What are the key actions needed to address GCM Objective 8's goal of saving migrant lives?
  2.  What are the key actions needed to address GCM Objective 8's goal of identifying the missing and the dead?
  3.  What are the key actions needed to address GCM Objective 8's goal of providing assistance to families of missing migrants?
  4.  What challenges related to GCM Objective 8 would you like to see the dialogue address?
  5.  What actions by governments or other actors are helping to achieve GCM Objective 8?

The event is open to the public. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English, Spanish, French and Arabic. 

We look forward to seeing you there!


Date and time
- GMT +1
- GMT +1