ICRC and Australian Red Cross present: Protracted Conflict

Happening now

Speakers & panelists


Ellen Policinski

Legal Advisor, ICRC

Hichem Khadraoui

Director of Operations, Geneva Call

Filipa Schmitz Guinote

Policy Adviser, ICRC

Sebastián Machado

Former Senior Adviser to the Attorney-General, Republic of Colombia

About the event

What is the enduring legacy of endless war? 

The average time that the ICRC has been present in its 10 largest operations is 42 years. The duration of humanitarian operations in protracted conflict settings has prompted organisations like the ICRC to re-think their way of working.

The humanitarian consequences of protracted situations of armed conflict are varied, including the cumulative effects of hostilities on infrastructure and healthcare systems, prolonged displacement, increased barriers to accessing essential services to provide support for vulnerable groups including persons with disabilities, and interruptions to education to name just a few.

In light of the humanitarian imperative to respond to these needs in spite of the challenges of a seemingly endless war, the International Review of the Red Cross has dedicated this edition to protracted conflict.

The Australian Red Cross and the International Committee of the Red Cross present this Protracted Conflict edition of the Review in a free public webinar from 6pm to 7pm AEST / 10am to 11am CEST on 14 April 2020.

Click here to register for the free webinar

This webinar will feature a panel of eminent Australian-based and international speakers, including

  • Ellen Policinski, former Managing Editor of the International Review of the Red Cross;
  • Filipa Schmitz Guinote, Policy Adviser, in the Humanitarian Diplomacy Division at the International Committee of the Red Cross;
  • Hichem Khadhroui, Director of Operations at Geneva Call;
  • Sebastian Machado, PhD and former Senior Adviser to the Attorney General of the Republic of Colombia.

The panel discussion will be hosted by Dr. Michelle Lesh, Victorian IHL Advisory Committee at Australian Red Cross and Visiting Fellow at the University of Melbourne. It will also include a Q and A session where questions will be invited from the audience.

Date: 14 April 2021 | Time: 6pm - 7pm (AEST — UTC+10) 
and 10am - 11am (CET — UTC+1)


Date and time