
The ICRC has been active in Myanmar for more than 30 years, providing assistance to people affected by armed conflicts and other violence in the states of Kachin, Kayin, Kayah, Rakhine and Shan and in the Mandalay region. Myanmar is home to the ICRC’s second largest operation in Asia. 

In Kachin state, the ICRC provides paddy seeds and fertilizers to aid more than 1,500 families during the monsoon season.

Our work in Myanmar

In Myanmar, the ICRC’s response consists of emergency aid and long-term assistance. During acute crises, we distribute food and household items to address urgent needs. During long-term crises, we support affected families by enhancing their ability to generate income.

Our assistance includes improving living conditions and access to clean water and health-care facilities. Our teams work to promote respect for international humanitarian law and to spread knowledge of landmine risks.

We seek to visit places of detention in order to secure humane treatment and conditions for all detainees, restore communication between them and their loved ones and reunite families. Many of our programmes are carried out jointly with the Myanmar Red Cross Society.

The impact of our work from Jan - Sept 2023


People were provided with essential household items such as blankets, mosquito nets and kitchen sets.


People in Kachin, Shan, Mandalay, Rakhine, Chin and Sagaing gained better access to water, sanitation, shelter, and emergency hygiene systems, as part of the ICRC’s emergency response programmes.


People (including 36,158 children under five years) were immunized through an ICRC-supported immunization programme.


People with disabilities who received Physical rehabilitation services including 1,215 people affected by explosive hazards were supported through our physical rehabilitation programme.


People learned more about the risk of explosive hazards and received information on safe behaviour through 952 awareness sessions.


People including weapon bearers, civil society organizations, INGOs and government staff learned more about the ICRC and international humanitarian law through 236 awareness sessions.

Contact us


No. 2 (C) - 5 Dr. Ba Han Lane
Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, 8th Mile
Mayangone Township

Opening Hours:


Community Contact Centre

Opening Hours:

8am – 4:30pm
Monday - Friday

Our work with the Myanmar Red Cross Society

We work alongside the Myanmar Red Cross Society (MRCS). The MRCS and the ICRC are part of the same humanitarian family and collaborate as partners. With the MRCS, we implement programmes in the field through an extensive Red Cross network and volunteer base.