
The ICRC has been working in Armenia since 1992, assisting people affected by the conflict. We prioritize missing people and the needs of their families and help communities living along the border with Azerbaijan. 

An ICRC vehicle at the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Our work in Armenia

The ICRC has been carrying out humanitarian work in Armenia to help people affected by conflict. We promote awareness and implementation of international humanitarian law (IHL) and act as a neutral intermediary between the sides.

Through our delegation in Yerevan and subdelegation in Goris, we facilitate resilience-building programmes in communities located along the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

We work with the families of people unaccounted for in relation to the conflict, log tracing requests, as well as assess the needs and support the families whose loved ones went missing. In addition, we provide technical and material assistance, including forensic expertise, to the authorities in Armenia to help them properly manage human remains and clarify the fate of people missing in connection with the conflict or other crises. We also support access to emergency health care in border community areas by strengthening the knowledge of medical personnel and the material capacity of health centers. 

We visit detainees held for conflict-related or security reasons, or who are vulnerable for another reason, to assess their treatment and conditions of detention, and we help them restore and/or maintain contact with their families.

Around Vardenis in Armenia (2020). Pascal Hundt/ICRC

The impact of our work - January to December 2023


calls and individual visits were received from families of the missing.


individuals were targeted by two different cash programs implemented during November and December in partnership with the ARCS.


kg of wheat seeds were distributed in Syunik and Gegharkunik regions covering 355 households.


raspberry seedlings were distributed to 14 selected households in Bardzravan village, Syunik region.


staff members of the ambulance and emergency services from Syunik region were trained in the ICRC-WHO Basic Emergency Care course conducted by the ICRC.


oral, video, and written Red Cross messages were shared with the families of those detained in relation to the conflict escalations.


in 25 communities of Syunik, Vayots Dzor, and Tavush regions, including health professionals and teachers, were trained in basic first aid by the ARCS First Aid Department with ICRC support.


of the educational handbook on mine risk awareness and safer behavior (RASB) and 100 copies of posters were printed for distribution in communities, in the scope of the project implemented by the ARCS in partnership with the ICRC.


persons benefited from direct mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS).

Our services in Armenia

  • We help mitigate the impact of hostilities on civilians living along the international border between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

  • We support the efforts of all parties to the conflict to determine the fate of the missing and to bring answers to their families.

  • One of our priorities in Armenia for many years has been providing various types of support to the families of the missing.

  • We support governments in their efforts to integrate IHL into the national legal framework, and we promote IHL training among experts and the armed forces.

  • We work to protect and assist people across front lines.

  • We visit detainees to monitor their detention conditions and how they are treated, and to help them maintain contact with their families.

Contact us


73/3, Nairi Zaryan Street, Yerevan, Armenia


(010) 297415

Opening Hours:

9am – 6pm

Our work with the Armenian Red Cross Society

The Armenian Red Cross Society is our key partner in Armenia and a member of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Together, we have developed numerous long-term cooperation programmes to support people and communities affected by the conflict. These programmes have three aims: to work together, learn from each other and prepare jointly for emergencies.