
The ICRC has been present in Somalia since 1977 responding to the needs of families affected by conflict and climatic shocks. 

Visiting Baidoa's central prison

Our work in Somalia

In Somalia, the ICRC works with the Somali Red Crescent Society to help people adversely affected by decades of armed conflict and climatic shocks. We provide them with emergency assistance and increase their self-reliance. We also promote and monitor international humanitarian law, visit detainees and restore contact between family members separated by armed conflict. ]

We bring you the latest news about the situation in Somalia, together with updates about the country’s people and their stories.

Quote from our staff

The interaction between weather events, conflict, and climate change is not a fantasy. It is a reality we see every single day. Climate change does increase conflict and suffering for people.

Pascal Cuttat Head of the ICRC delegation in Somalia

Contact us


Ngecha Road, Off Lower Kabete Road,
P.O. Box 73226 - 00200

Opening Hours:

7:30 am – 4:30 pm

Community Contact Centre



Opening Hours:

7:30am - 4:30pm
Sunday - Friday

Our work with the Somalia Red Cross

The ICRC works with the Somali Red Crescent Society (SRCS) to help communities affected by more than three decades of conflict