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Madagascar: ICRC boosts support to Malagasy Red Cross amid continuing violence

08-02-2009 News Release 32/09

Over 40 people have been killed and more than 350 wounded during anti-government demonstrations in the Madagascan capital Antananarivo, according to hospital sources.

Geneva (ICRC) – Over 40 people have been killed and more than 350 wounded during anti-government demonstrations in the Madagascan capital Antananarivo, according to hospital sources. “We deplore these deaths and are concerned that violence may flare up again,” said Olivier Gillabert, head of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Madagascar.
On Saturday, the ICRC provided the Malagasy Red Cross Society (MRCS) and Antanarivo’s main hospital with medical supplies to help them cope with the influx of casualties. The organization also liaised with local authorities to ensure that the MRCS could get the wounded to local hospitals without delays. “There is a real risk of further clashes and it is important that the authorities enable MRCS responders to react promptly and safely,” said Gillabert.
The ICRC will be sending additional staff to Antananarivo over the next few days, including a nurse, and will be stepping up its support to the MRCS by providing medical supplies and logistical expertise.

For further information, please contact:
  Simon Schorno, ICRC Geneva, tel: +41 79 251 9302