Principles in action in Lebanon

20-12-2012 PublicationRef. 4128

Using examples provided by the Lebanese Red Cross (LRC), this case study demonstrates how crucial the application of the Fundamental Principles, in tandem with uniform strategies based on the Safer Access Framework, has been in making it safer for the LRC to provide emergency medical services throughout Lebanon – in circumstances complicated by armed conflict, internal disturbances and other emergencies, and by the existence of groups with a broad range of religious affiliations.

Together, the Principles and the Safer Access Framework guide decision-making and help the National Society balance its role as auxiliary to the government with the necessity of providing neutral, impartial and independent humanitarian assistance for those who need it most.

This case study, jointly produced with the British Red Cross and the LRC in 2012, is one of four linked to the Practical Guide for National Societies preparing for and responding to armed conflict and other situations of violence, which is currently under production.

  • Copyright: ICRC
  • Languages available: English*
  • Reference: 4128

* To order this publication please contact the British Red Cross :