The ICRC in Algeria

30-05-2013 Overview

In Algeria, the ICRC focuses on visiting detainees, assessing their treatment and conditions and obtaining improvements where necessary. We work alongside the Algerian Red Crescent and also help the authorities promote international humanitarian law.

With a few breaks, the ICRC has been in Algeria since the 1954-1962 war of independence. At that time, we focused on visiting prisoners and helping refugees in Morocco and Tunisia.

Today, our main job consists of visiting detainees. We make regular visits to people held in prisons, police stations and gendarmeries. These are followed up by confidential reports to the authorities concerned, with recommendations for improvements to treatment and conditions where necessary.

The ICRC is helping the Algerian Red Crescent expand its capability, especially in the south, where we work with the Adrar and Tamanrasset branches. Topics include first aid and restoring family links.

The ICRC also addresses the issue of Algerian nationals detained abroad, or living in countries affected by conflict, through its support for the Algerian Red Crescent’s work on restoring family links.

The Algerian authorities have set up a national IHL committee, tasked with promoting and implementing IHL. This boost efforts to integrate and promote IHL, and to include it in the training of security forces. The ICRC is supporting these efforts by working with the authorities and the national committee, to which we are providing technical advice and expertise.

We maintain links with various entities in the government, with academic and religious circles and with civil society, in order to support the promotion of IHL.


Algeria. An ICRC delegate meets a detainee. 

An ICRC delegate meets a detainee.
© ICRC / F. Brot/ dz-e-00087

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