The Assembly

This is the team that leads the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).  

Responsibilities and tasks

The Assembly is our supreme governing body. It oversees the organisation and ensures we are in a position to carry out our mission. It formulates policy, defines general objectives and strategy, and approves the budget and accounts.

The Assembly sets out the framework for cooperation and working relationships with the other components of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and recognizes new National Societies which fulfil the requisite conditions.

The Assembly comprises between 15 and 25 co-opted Swiss nationals. They are appointed for a four-year term of office which can be renewed twice. The age limit is 72 years.


Mirjana Spoljaric Egger, Gilles Carbonnier, Mauro Arrigoni, Rémy Best, Aymo Brunetti, Edouard Bugnion, Jacques Chapuis, Melchior de Muralt, Christoph Franz, Katja Gentinetta, Maya Hertig Randall, Samia Hurst-Majno, Alexis Keller, Valérie Robert, Laura Sadis, Anjos Sapina, Doris Schopper, Béatrice Speiser, Suba Umathevan, Barbara Wildhaber


Standing commissions

The Recruitment and Remuneration Commission is responsible for selecting new members in such a way as to ensure the ICRC has the right range of skill sets, establishing the selection criteria, and determining the remuneration of the organization's senior managers.

The Audit Commission assists and advises the Assembly in its task of ultimate oversight of the ICRC, verifies that the Assembly's decisions are properly carried out, and ensures that the ICRC's goals are implemented effectively and that risks are managed properly.