Digital Dilemmas Debate #4: Aid in the sky - Remote sensing in humanitarian operations


Happening now

Speakers & panelists


Regis Savioz

Head of Delegation, Japan (ICRC)

Stuart Campo

Team Lead for Data Responsibility (OCHA Centre for Humanitarian Data)

Tamar Kaldani

Vice-chair of the Consultative Committee of the CoE Convention 108

Ning Wang

Researcher, Biomedical Ethics and Law (University of Zurich)

Taariq Twaha

Head of ICT (Kenya Red Cross Society)

About the event

What do the eyes in the sky see? What can they guess? How can they help us? And how can they put us at risk?

Building on the fourth Digital Dilemmas Dialogue, we have invited experts from the academic, legal and humanitarian sectors to discuss how humanitarian actors can balance the many advantages of using drones (and drones-obtained information) versus the security, reputational and data-related risks they might raise. In this discussion, we will look at some of the use-cases for drones in humanitarian operations, and go into the considerations that we need to keep present to ensure that these uses remain compatible with humanitarian goals and principles.

The discussion is part of the April thematic path - Drones, Remote sensing technologies and Humanitarian Protection.

The series

The Digital Dilemmas Debates are a series of roundtable discussions between prominent experts and stakeholders from different sectors about the humanitarian digital transformation, its implications and the work ahead. Each month, they will explore a different type or trend in the technologies used to respond to various types of crisis, and offer reflections on what is coming next.

The Digital Dilemmas Debates are a component of the DigitHarium, which is part of the Humanitarian Data and Trust Initiative (HDTI).


Additional resources

Drones, Data and Humanitarian Action, Inspired blog (27.04.2021)

Chapter 7 of the Handbook on Data Protection in Humanitarian Action (2nd Edition)

Drones, infrared cameras and AI join the search for mines, Inspired Blog (16.06.2020)

[VIDEO EXPLAINER] Drones and Data Protection (01:34)


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