Congo Kinshasa: the hidden battlefield

"From the Field" series

01-12-2006 FilmRef. V-F-CR-F-00917-V

Brutal rape has become commonplace in some parts of the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, an area plagued by warring groups who prey on local people with little fear of retaliation. The consequences for women are harrowing. Many are mutilated after being raped and need extensive surgery. Many also suffer social stigma and rejection. What help do women need following a violent sexual attack? And what can be done to end the horror of such abuse?

  • Copyright: ICRC
  • Release year: 2006
  • Production locations: Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Running time: 8 min
  • Languages available: English, French
  • Type of product: DVD
  • Price: CHF 2.-
  • Reference: V-F-CR-F-00917-V

Designed for TV broadcast, the From the Field series is available in French, English and international versions, and in a variety of formats