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ICRC/UEFA joint campaign



"Protect children in war" ICRC/UEFA joint campaign 

To highlight the tragedy of children in war, the ICRC and UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) launched a joint campaign around the EURO 2004TM football championship hosted by Portugal from June 12 to July 4, 2004.

Four leading referees, including Pierluigi Collina, volunteered to serve as ambassadors and spokesmen for this campaign, with its moving slogan “Let Us Play.” Under the theme " Protect children in war, " the effort was designed to raise awareness of the needs of children suffering the effects of conflict.

As part of the campaign, the first quarter-final of the tournament on June 24 was dedicated to the campaign. The centre circle flag featured the campaign logo " Let us Play " and the Portuguese Red Cross took part by distributing " Play by the Rules " caps, pins and flyers.

The special " Let us Play " symbol, drawn from a child's perspective, was created to communicate the desire of children to be able to experience the fun and joy of football rather than suffer the consequences of war.