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Peru: Agreement between National Police and ICRC

16-08-2001 News Release 01/32

The Peruvian National Police (PNP) and the ICRC have signed a cooperation agreement with the primary aim of increasing knowledge of the basic principles of international humanitarian law and human rights among members of the PNP.

Under the agreement, internal training courses will be held for PNP instructors and officers over the coming months. The knowledge gained by the instructors will eventually be passed on to all members of the police by a multiplier effect.

The PNP and the ICRC also undertook to share their experiences, to set up a structured training programme and to coordinate the human and logistic resources necessary for the development of this major project.

The document was signed by General Armando Santisteban de la Flor, Director-General of the PNP, and Karl Mattli, head of the ICRC delegation in Peru, at the Ministry of the Interior on 26 July. Several senior PNP officers and ICRC staff were present at the signing ceremony.

This agreement reflects the firm commitment made by the two institutions to work together to achieve greater respect for and protection of the individual.