Support relationships in armed conflicts & ensuring respect for IHL

This is a summary of the final report of the evaluation of the Support Relationships in Armed Conflicts Initiative (SRI), a five-year strategy (2019-2023) aimed at broadening the ICRC's engagement and at reinforcing its operational, legal and policy dialogue around the support received by parties to armed conflict.
While high-level objectives were difficult to identify progress against, achievements were evident according to the preparatory steps and intended initial outcomes. There was also positive feedback from external stakeholders with initial impacts recognised of the ICRC's research, reflection, visibility and the resulting dialogue, publications and events.
Recommendations are cognisant of the internal shift within the ICRC of the SRI moving from a dedicated project to being integrated within the Protection Global Unit. To maintain momentum, this unit should take on a convening role to continue to mobilise delegations and build on good practices where SRI has been engaged as a cross cutting issue. The scope of SRI should be reconfirmed, visibility maintained with a new roadmap for coordination.