
The ICRC in Kyrgyzstan: facts and figures 2016

A round-up of our activities in Kyrgyzstan in 2016:

Improving the treatment of detainees

  • ICRC visited 9,700 detainees in 59 places of detention.
  • The Prison Management Plan and Standards of Internal Regulation for the Penal Institution - 19 were adopted by the penitentiary authorities in September 2016. ICRC prison system advisor provided her expertise in elaboration of these documents.
  • 590 people could visit their family members detained far from home, because the ICRC covered their travel costs.

Healthcare in detention (TB)

  • 161 TB-affected detainees successfully completed their treatment.
  • 235 TB-affected detainees started treatment.

Improving conditions of detention

  • Five temporary detention facilities (IVS) in Sokuluk, Kara-Balta, Kant, Osh and Nooken cities have been partially rehabilitated to support the "Health in IVS" project. Provision of healthcare services has been started there.
  • Living conditions in seven places of detention were improved through different rehabilitation and maintenance works.  

Trainings for the staff of the places of detention (under the State Service for the Execution of Punishments and the Ministry of Interior):

  • More than 350 staff members and the management of the places of detention enhanced their skills through the ICRC-led trainings (maintenance of infrastructure in places of detention, prison management, identification and description of bodily injury, advanced life support measures).

Activities in favor of victims of past violence

  • Sixty-three relatives of persons unaccounted for since the 2010 June events benefited from psycho-social support including individual counselling and referrals to institutions of social providers through 14 psychological support and information sessions.

 Activities related to emergency preparedness:

  • 80 doctors in the cities of Bishkek and Osh received training in the provision of medical services during emergency situations.
  • In Batken province, a water supply system was renovated in Kulundu rural area for some 20'000 people, and a building of the Primary Medical Point in Kok-Tash village was reconstructed. In Osh, the Operation Theatre of the Aravan Regional Hospital was extended and improve.
  • First Aid trainings were conducted by the Red Crescent Society of Kyrgyzstan (RCSK) with the ICRC support for some 250 community leaders in Osh, Batken and Jalal-Abad provinces, and for 60 military and police officers.
  • 20 staff and volunteers of the RCSK participated in annual Emergency Water Distribution training, organized by the ICRC.
  • ICRC participated as an observer in the SCO joint anti-terrorism military exercise "Peace Mission 2016".
  • 615 personnel of the Armed Forces and 75 investigators from the Ministry of Interior and its police academy received trainings on international humanitarian law and international rules and standards of policing respectively.

Activities of the ICRC in Kyrgystan in places of detention

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The ICRC in Kyrgystan: facts and figures January to May 2016

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