Japan: Japanese version of Addressing Security and Human Rights Challenges in Complex Environments toolkit launched

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) recently launched the Japanese version of the Addressing Security and Human Rights Challenges in Complex Environments toolkit. It serves as a guide for businesses operating in conflict-affected and/or high-risk areas to uphold the human rights and dignity of local communities and effectively manage security.
To commemorate the joint publication by the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF) and the ICRC, with the support of the Swiss Embassy in Tokyo, a ceremony was held at the Swiss ambassador's residence. Representatives from various Japanese companies, the diplomatic circle, universities, non-governmental organizations, think tanks and media participated in the event that marks Japan's commitment to promoting responsible business practices among Japanese corporations operating abroad.
Swiss ambassador Andreas Baum gave a welcome address and highlighted the need for a practical tool that translates existing principles into good practices. He acknowledged the toolkit as a part of the ICRC's efforts towards promoting and strengthening international humanitarian law (IHL) and universal humanitarian principles.

Gen Nakatani, special adviser to the Prime Minister, noted the event's relevance to the G7 Leaders' commitment in Hiroshima and the commitment to "leave no one behind". "The toolkit can help navigate companies operating in difficult environments such as facing violence and where IHL is applicable," he said.
"Our input can help protect vulnerable communities and prevent further harm," said Robert Mardini, director-general of the ICRC, who attended the ceremony while visiting the country for ICRC's Donor Support Group meeting hosted by the Government of Japan. He emphasized that the toolkit will help mitigate conflict and foster humanitarian support, ultimately contributing to the development of more ethical and socially conscious business practices.
The toolkit will be a practical tool along with the Japanese government's commitment to the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (launched in 2020) and the Guidelines on Respecting Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains (established in September 2022).
Click here for the Japanese version
For the English original: "Addressing Security and Human Rights Challenges in Complex Environments" Toolkit