
Model declarations under article 2 of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Model Article 2 declaration for States that have never owned, possessed or controlled nuclear weapons or nuclear explosive devices.

Model Article 2 declaration for States that owned, possessed or controlled nucelar weapons or nuclear explosive devices in the past.

Model Article 2 declaration for States with nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive device in its territory at the date of entry into force for that State.

Model Article 2 declaration for States retaining nuclear weapons at the date of entry into force for that State.

Model 1_never nuclear weapons States_TPNW art 2 declaration

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240.91 KB

Model 2_nuclear weapons in the past States_TPNW art 2 declaration

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241.06 KB

Model 3_nuclear hosting States_TPNW art 2 declaration

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240.93 KB

Model 4_nuclear-armed States_TPNW art 2 declaration

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240.78 KB