South Sudan: Facts & Figures January - December 2022

Due to recurrent armed conflict and violence, the humanitarian needs of the affected communities in South Sudan remain high.
From January to December 2022, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) continued to address the humanitarian consequences of armed conflict and violence in South Sudan while ensuring that the most vulnerable and affected populations were reached through its protection and assistance programs.
Given the complexity and large-scale humanitarian needs, in close collaboration with the South Sudan Red Cross (SSRC) and through partnerships with development actors, Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement partners, and government entities, the ICRC also contributed to building the resilience of the affected communities and individuals and meeting their essential needs.
"Over the years, people across South Sudan bear the brunt of suffering from armed conflict and violence. While our humanitarian work has its own challenges, we remain committed to assisting the affected population with our emergency response to long-term resilience-building efforts and partnership," said Pierre Dorbes, Head of the Delegation.

Achalla, a mother of 7 receiving a new prosthetic leg at an ICRC-supported Physical Rehabilitation Center in Wau, Western Bahr al Ghazal

Food distribution in Magwi County, Eastern Equatoria State