A statement from Robert Mardini, the regional director for the Near and Middle East for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), on the situation in Hodeida, Yemen.
- The most recent push for Hodeida is likely to exacerbate an already catastrophic humanitarian situation in Yemen. The population has already been weakened to extreme levels.
- Lifelines to the outside world must be maintained, including the Hodeida port and the Sana'a airport. Real people, real families, will suffer if no food is getting in, and we are concerned that ongoing military operations continue to hamper the arrival of essential goods.
- The ICRC has prepositioned food, medical supplies, water purification systems and sanitation supplies in Hodeida. But these life-saving items cannot be given to those in need while fighting is ongoing.
- We are concerned about Hodeida's essential infrastructure, including its water and electricity networks, which are vital to the civilian population's survival.
- The ICRC, working in line with international humanitarian law, urges all parties to the conflict to respect civilian life by taking every possible measure to protect civilians, and to allow safe passage for those who want to escape the fighting. All persons captured in relation to the ongoing hostilities must be treated humanely, and the ICRC should be given access to detention facilities holding them.
For further information, please contact:
Marie Claire FEGHALI, ICRC Geneva, +41 79 536 92 31
Iolanda JAQUEMET, ICRC Geneva, +41 79 447 37 26
Adnan HIZAM, ICRC Sanaa, tel. : +967 73 372 1659