Data Protection Awareness Symposium: A collaborative Event with the Data Commissioner

Nairobi Time - GMT+3
Nairobi Time - GMT+3

About the event

What are the challenges faced by Humanitarian Agencies in the application of data protection principles?

What is the context of data protection in Kenya?

In partnership with the Kenya Red Cross Society & the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner, we are inviting you for a Data Protection Symposium to raise awareness among humanitarian organizations and other actors on personal data protection principles as applied in humanitarian activities.

The Symposium will also explore the intersection of humanitarian activities and other sectors, as often humanitarian organizations have to rely on third parties to achieve humanitarian objectives. For instance, humanitarian agencies have to rely on financial sector players such as banks and telecommunication companies to offer cash transfer assistance. This inevitably involves the exchange of data with such service providers and humanitarian organizations.

The seminar, therefore, aims at bringing together diverse actors as well as regulatory authorities to promote mutual understanding of the data protection standards as applied in the context of humanitarian emergencies.

The two-day seminar will cover topics such as:

  • Challenges faced by Humanitarian Agencies in the application of data protection principles.
  • The context of data protection in Kenya
  • Working with government to enhance data responsibility within the humanitarian sector
  • Working with communities to enhance data protection for beneficiaries
  • Data Protection in Kenya: Risks, Challenges, Opportunities, and Best Practices
  • Digital Identity and Data Protection
  • Ensuring Data Protection in Cash Transfer Programmes
  • International Data Sharing; Best Practices
  • Key Obligations for Data Controllers and Processors under Kenya law
  • Mobile Apps and Data Protection
  • The Process of Data Impact Assessment
  • Data Protection by Design and Default
  • Cloud Services and Data Protection
  • International Organizations and Data Protection; the intersection between international law, privileges, and immunities, and domestic law.