The exhibit is organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Embassy of Switzerland in the Philippines. Admission is free to the exhibit, which will run from August 6 to 14, 2024 at ArtistSpace in Makati City.
Visitors can expect to see photographs taken by ICRC staff and commissioned photojournalists throughout World Wars and historical armed conflicts. They include images of a Danish military ambulance from 1878; a photo of the staff of the International Prisoner of War Agency, which was set up by ICRC in 1914 during the First World War; a wounded man receiving medical care during World War II at the Russian front in Stalingrad; and aid being sent to the New Bilibid Prison in 1945, where prisoners were held during World War II; up until recent years from conflicts in the Philippines, Yemen, Ukraine and Gaza. Almost 35 photographs will be on display.
Johannes Bruwer, head of the ICRC delegation in the Philippines, and
His Excellency Dr. Nicolas Brühl, Ambassador of Switzerland to the Philippines, open the exhibit for public viewing.
An enlarged reproduction of the first page of the First Geneva Convention, which was adopted on August 22, 1864.
This convention concerns the treatment for the sick and wounded members of armed forces in the field.
The Geneva Conventions are international treaties that sets limits for armed conflicts. They protect those not or no longer part of the fighting, save lives and reduce suffering. The Geneva Conventions are the backbone of international humanitarian law (IHL) or the rules of war. Learn more about the Geneva Conventions’ 75th anniversary here.
The ICRC is a neutral, impartial and independent organization with an exclusively humanitarian mandate that stems from the Geneva Conventions. It has been present in the Philippines since World War II.