This year we mark the 75th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions of August 1949, under the theme “The One Set of Rules We All Agree on”.
The Geneva Conventions are the basic rules of war that protect civilians and their property, the wounded and sick, detainees, and other victims of armed conflict. The ICRC as the guardian of the Geneva Conventions reminds states of their duties to respect and promote the Law.
The ICRC has a long history in Ethiopia working to protect and assist people affected by armed conflict and violence since 1935. In this photo gallery, we look back at this rich history.
1954-11-28 Geneva, visit to the ICRC by Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, accompanied by his son and his entourage.
Ethio-Italian War, 1935-1936. Surgery performed in a field hospital.
1984-04-01 Civil war in Ethiopia. Mekelle: A nutrition center run jointly by the ICRC and the Ethiopian Red Cross.
1985-03-28 Tabby, Axum. New Zealand Red Cross nurse examining a baby girl. She is 3 years old and suffers from marasmus and kwashiorkor.
2004-05 Dalifague. Women fetching water from ICRC supply point.
ICRC Red flight with emergency medical supply for people affected by armed conflict in Tigray region, Ethiopia July 2022.
People affected by conflict receive household items donated by ICRC and ERCS in West Wellega, Oromia region, Ethiopia August 2024
ICRC detention delegates visiting detainees in Mekelle Civilian prison, Tigray, Ethiopia. September, 2024
Unexploded remnants of war and Weapon Contaminated village called Newi in Tigray, Ethiopia September, 2024
Prosthetic leg fitting to man who lost his leg due to armed conflict in ICRC support physical rehabilitation center at Black lion Hospital, Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia. September, 2024