
ICRC Communication Strategy 2024 – 2027

ICRC Communication Strategy 2024 – 2027

Standing for humanity. Reaffirming our identity in a polarized world.
Every day, millions of victims of conflict fall through the cracks, unseen by the rest of the world. Millions around the world – especially those caught up in protracted conflicts such as in Somalia, Yemen, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Colombia, Ethiopia, the Sahel and Syria – are forgotten and left behind. Without attention, political commitment and funding, all they receive is the world’s apathy. When conflicts do make the headlines, it is often politics, sensationalism or polarization that are behind the visibility and any engagement on social media, with little or selective attention paid to the human suffering or people’s dignity and voices.
At the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), our communication will remain focused on the suffering caused by war and the dignity of people affected by conflict, by staying close to them, listening to them, amplifying their voices and giving visibility to their experiences, perspectives and needs. We will humanize the consequences of war and shed light on the impact it has on people. Firmly and visibly grounded within the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, we will aim to be a counterforce to any public discourse that disregards humanity, undermines people’s dignity and contradicts the spirit of the rules of war.