South Africa

The delegation’s humanitarian diplomacy work seeks to promote international humanitarian law (IHL) and explain the realities of armed conflict for affected populations. The ICRC engages in a humanitarian dialogue with the Southern African Development Community (SADC), governments of the region, the diplomatic corps and think tanks, calling on them to support its neutral, impartial and independent humanitarian activities. 

A workshop featuring hands-on practical exercises.

Our work in South Africa

The regional delegation in Pretoria provides and advocates for innovative and sustainable solutions to address the humanitarian consequences of armed violence, migration and other emergencies in Angola, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe and to support ICRC objectives in Africa. 

We provide tailored capacity-building to National Societies, pioneer humanitarian-centred smart solutions and use humanitarian diplomacy to build support for humanitarian action and values among policymakers, decision makers and practitioners.

We enhance the awareness and understanding of regional and national authorities on the realities and concerns of affected people. These ambitions are achieved by leveraging regional expertise in international humanitarian law, resource mobilization and a strengthened response to the needs of the missing, separated and dead and their families. 

The impact of our work - In 2022


internet connections in the region. We also provided 34’ 690 successful phone calls


government representatives from 13 countries attended the 20th Regional IHL Seminar for Southern Africa and Indian Ocean Island States co-hosted with DIRCO.


participants attended the first online Good Laboratory Practice course in collaboration with the Kigali Delegation which focused on ISO 17025:2017 and the development of standards and practices.


provided Emergency Travel Documents (ETDs) to vulnerable people, allowing them to travel to their country of refuge and be reunified with their family.


trained 100 in-person African scientists and a further 250 virtually on DNA laboratory capacity as part of the DNA Symposium in partnership with DNAforAfrica.

Contact us


202 East Avenue, Pretoria, South Africa

Opening Hours:

8am - 5pm

Our work with the South African Red Cross Society and other National Societies

The ICRC supports National Red Cross Societies in reinforcing their capacities in the region, with a view to improving preparedness to provide a timely response to humanitarian needs arising from emergencies related to situations of violence. This is achieved through technical, material and financial support. The main areas of ICRC support to National Societies include Restoring Family Links (RFL), operational communication, promotion of Red Cross principles and humanitarian values and preparedness to ensure safe access in their response to humanitarian needs arising from situations of violence.