Red Cross, Red Crescent Magazine. HIV/AIDS are we all losing focus? No. 2, 2010

23-09-2010 PublicationRef. 1120

How poverty and the financial crisis threaten to reverse decades of progress on HIV/AIDS. Also in this issue: National Societies get first aid to where it's needed. Migrants fleeing war, famine and poverty. The forgotten war in the Central African Republic.

See online edition and previous issues.

Red Cross / Red Crescent magazine covers a range of humanitarian issues. Articles include features on the activities of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies as they seek to help people around the world.

The magazine is free of charge. To subscribe, please contact:

Red Cross / Red Crescent
PO Box 372
1211 Geneva 19

  • Copyright: ICRC/International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
  • Languages available: English, French, Spanish*
  • Type of product: Brochure
  • Price: Free of charge
  • Reference: 1120

2010, 32 pp., photos, graph., tabl., 21 x 30 cm

* To order the Spanish version of this publication, contact us by E-mail