
Afghanistan: Facts and figures, July-September 2016

During July, August and September 2016, the ICRC, together with the Afghan Red Crescent, has helped displaced persons, supported communities deprived of safe water and health care and helped family members separated by conflict to keep in touch. Here is an overview of our work throughout Afghanistan during the last three months.

Latest update

During the third quarter of 2016, security in Afghanistan remained precarious, and indeed deteriorated in many areas. Recent violent clashes between government forces and the armed opposition have forced thousands of families to flee their homes, and medical facilities have struggled to cope with the influx of wounded civilians and fighters.
Since the beginning of October, the ICRC has redoubled its efforts to remind all parties of their obligations under international humanitarian law, to underline the need for them to do all they can to protect civilians, and to ask them to guarantee safe access to health care and clean water.

October highlights


  • donated 150 sets of material for treating people with war wounds to Kunduz Regional Hospital, Taloqan Provincial Hospital and Pul-i-Khumri Regional hospital;
  • delivered food and other essentials to 1,000 displaced families in Taloqan, Takhar province, in partnership with the Afghan Red Crescent Society;
  • supported the Afghan Red Crescent as they facilitated the transfer of fighters' and civilians' bodies to their families;
  • facilitated the transfer of over 80 war-wounded people to medical facilities in Lashkar Gah, Helmand province, including 8 seriously wounded Afghan National Security Forces personnel, who were handed over to the ICRC by the armed opposition;
  • provided food and essential items for almost 280 families displaced by the fighting in Tirin Kot, Uruzgan province, who had sought shelter in the villages of Naqilen and Balochee.

Read the full text of our facts and figures for July to August and find out what the ICRC has been doing in Afghanistan.

The ICRC in Afghanistan, July-September 2016

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