The letters "MKKK" on the box stand for "Международный Комитет Красного Креста" – "International Committee of the Red Cross."
The ICRC provides the Red Cross branches with food parcels and hygiene kits for displaced persons.
That means families with young children, large and single-parent families, pregnant women, elderly people living alone, disabled persons, etc.
CC BY-NC-ND / ICRC / Galina Balzamova
Yury and his family also receive assistance from the ICRC.
The food may be basic, but it makes a big difference to Yury’s family.
Within one month, this aid will have been distributed to 9,000 people.
From June to December 2014, the ICRC provided emergency aid to 40,000 displaced people in Crimea and Sevastopol who had fled the conflict in eastern Ukraine.
One of the 22 posts distributing aid was organized by the Sevastopol branch of the Red Cross. Displaced people received such essential items as food, hygiene items and warm clothes. Some of those receiving aid became volunteers and were able to start helping others in the same predicament.